Besides the Free MI Practice groups and Free MI Snack classes,
We also offers small group MI Fast-track and WV MI Certification Consultation.
About MI Fast-track
MI Fast-track with Sky Kershner, MINT Certified Trainer
MI Fast-track is the fastest way to increase your MI skillfulness and fluency and advance your MI practice towards WV-MI Certification.
MI Fast-track provides you with a personalized assessment of where you are in MI journey, and a clear direction for the next steps to advance.
For more info on WV-MI Levels of Certification, click here
About MI Certificates and MI Credentials
Certificates of Attendance are one thing, and useful for CE (Continuing Ed) for licensure renewal. And at the same time, the research in learning MI shows that workshops without coaching feedback of practice does not lead to the best results. It is easy to get plateaued or even fooled: to think you are doing MI when you actually might not be.
At WV-MI, we are interested is promoting MI fluency. MI is language. You can get better at it through practice and skillful coaching. You can learn what MI is in a workshop, you can learn how to be fluent in MI through practice and helpful feedback.
This is why we offer so many free practice sessions a week.
Practice is where it is at in learning to do Motivational Interviewing.
How to get a WV-MI Certificate
MI fluency can only be demonstrated. We offer certificates for demonstration of MI in 5 minute, 10, and 15 minute increments. Sometimes the demonstration is done live, usually it is done via a recording. For more info, check out the MI Certificate page
Ready for the Next Step?
Use the buttons at the top of the page to get scheduled.
Together we will figure out where you are and what your next learning tasks will be.
We usually try to combine individual sessions into small groups, so you have more time to practice.
I'm happy to meet with you for 10 or 15 minutes at the start to discuss your goals, and how we can work together. Click here to set up a free intro consult.